On Kepler 138d&c , we find planets with gravitational pulls much greater than our own. Lands made mostly of water and an atmosphere above boiling point. Therefore , the first signs of life I imagine must be a water species with a skeleton made exclusively of cartilage. The lifeform would sink if made of bone. In my mystical world , I envisage Kepler 138d&c to have their own unique Cladoselache sharks. A species , both resilient and constantly evolving to necessitate survival. My garments are both a reflection of the worlds of Kepler 138d&c but also the mystical and majestic nature of sharks.

Sharks move much like planes as opposed to other ocean inhabitants. They don’t have a swim bladder as they’re not a bone fish so their movement is contingent on their tail. It is one of the great examples of kinetic energy we know. The tail propels the shark by moving back and forth. I wanted my garments to embody this through kinetic sculptures. Just how a shark interacts with the ocean I wanted my wearer to have this relationship with the garment. Through pre-programmed motor controllers my collection is accessorised with moving sculpture. Flowing from tail to head in the same way a shark and also water itself moves. Activated by a controller hidden within the garment so the piece is always as one.

My material choices are symbolic of the atmosphere in Kepler 138d&c. This world is much warmer than ours and my outfits reflect this. By incorporating thermochromic pu vegan I am able to show the heat change both physically and visually. From darker palettes to blue, purples and whites I wanted to showcase temperature change through fashion.

Introducing Kepler 138, a project exploring the existence and possible mystical inhabitants of newly discovered Water Planets. It serves as the natural progression to my Laurel blue sophomore collection. The ocean and love of which , being the continuously evolving theme. 

Kepler 138d&c are exoplanets. That is to say , planets that lie outside our solar system. Both , slightly larger than earth and under previous understanding would have been called super earths. However , their density lies between that of a rocky world like ours and gas-giant planets. It has been reasoned that a large fraction of their volume consists of water. Never seen before and only theorised until now I delve into the existence of Water Planets.

Before the dinosaurs and even the trees that line Planet Earth there were sharks. A species , known to have survived over five mass ocean extinctions. Pre-existing our Jurassic friends by 200 million years. The first known , was the Cladoselache shark which swam in the warmer waters of our planet. Belonging to the Chondrichthyes Class as their skeletons were predominantly cartilage. This trait, amongst others, has allowed sharks to constantly survive. Being much lighter than bone , cartilage allows sharks to swim fast and not overly exhaust energy. Sharks sink when they don’t swim so this weight advantage is critical. 


Laurel BLUE - KEPLER 138 LOOK 1

Laurel BLUE - KEPLER 138 LOOK 1

Laurel BLUE - KEPLER 138 LOOK 2

Laurel BLUE - KEPLER 138 LOOK 2

Laurel BLUE - KEPLER 138 LOOK 3

Laurel BLUE - KEPLER 138 LOOK 3